Life is full of problems, and they come in different shapes and sizes. No one is exempted from experiencing them, including pre-kindergartners. It's crucial for young learners to know how to approach problems positively, so they won't hinder their progress toward their goals.
To solve problems, pre-kindergartners need to improve their intellectual health and hone their problem-solving skills. Problem-solving is a life skill that is essential in positively addressing unexpected and challenging situations. It requires one to think critically, evaluate options, and be strategic in choosing and executing solutions.
"Problem-solving is a life skill that is essential in positively addressing unexpected and challenging situations."
This lesson is about the intellectual positive action of problem-solving. Starting with a puppet play, it teaches pre-kindergartners what an example of a problem is and how they can solve it. It is followed by a class discussion that uses different scenarios as examples of how problem-solving is done. Finally, it ends with a song and a progress chart.
The puppet play starts with a big problem. Squeak, the hedgehog puppet, is covered in bandages because some mean big kids beat him up! The pre-kindergartners are worried but thank goodness he’s alright! Squeak knows that he may meet these mean kids again next time, but he knows exactly how to solve this problem. Through Squeak, pre-kindergartners are taught the first two things they need to do to solve problems.
In the class discussion, three scenarios are presented to allow the students to imagine and assess different difficult situations, so they can come up with a solution. Here, they learn about and apply the two basic things they can do at their age to solve a problem. They are successful in solving the problems and each success gives them a positive feeling about themselves and their minds. They realize that problem-solving is an intellectual positive action that can also make them feel good about themselves.
The song, at the end of the lesson, reinforces the positive action of problem-solving and its importance to the mind. The students agree and promise to improve their problem-solving skills. Finally, they mark their names on their Positive Behavior Chart.
Problem-solving is not easy to master. By developing and practicing it at an early age, one is being set up for success. Pre-kindergartners need to cultivate this skill as it is closely associated with personal, academic, and professional success.
Pasela is a digital product presented by Positive Action.
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