Pre-K SEL: Positive Actions to Cope With Loneliness and Be Happy

Pre KindergartenLesson: 326

Pre-K SEL: Positive Actions to Cope With Loneliness and Be Happy

Loneliness can be a challenging emotion to deal with, and if left unchecked, it can have adverse effects on one’s physical and mental health. It’s a feeling that can cause the body to weaken and cognitive performance to decline. It is also a risk factor for depression and can interfere with thinking.

When consumed with loneliness, one tends to become pessimistic, demotivated, and unwell. Unfortunately, it’s a feeling that everyone experiences at some point in life, even pre-kindergartners. It is important for children in pre-kindergarten to learn how to cope with loneliness in order to grow into resilient and emotionally healthy individuals. The good news is there are positive actions that can be taken to overcome lonely feelings and feel positive.

"In every maze of loneliness, there is a thread on the floor that leads to a way out. To look down and find the thread is to manage the invasive feeling of loneliness using positive actions."

A fun puppet play opens this lesson, where a puppet, named Mimi, has been feeling sad and alone! She is just so glad to be with her other puppet friend, Squeak, again. Squeak understands what Mimi has been feeling—loneliness! But how can she be lonely? Mimi knows that she likes to be alone sometimes. In this lesson, the pre-kindergartners learn alongside Mimi about the feeling of loneliness and how it differs from being alone.

Following the puppet play, the lesson proceeds with a fun story titled, "Keeping the Lonely Blues Away." It follows the story of a lonely Luis managing his loneliness, one fine morning, while all of his family are still asleep. The story provides imaginative examples of the different ways the students can manage themselves when they are feeling lonely.

Afterward, the class listens to a discussion on how else loneliness can be managed, such as by drawing or painting, playing with other friends, reading, and daydreaming. Then, they participate in some fun activities that allow them to practice positive actions for managing loneliness. They end the lesson by singing and dancing to the Positive Action song, "Grumpy Grouch/ Bright Sider."

In every maze of loneliness, there is a thread on the floor that leads to a way out. To look down and find the thread is to manage the invasive feeling of loneliness using positive actions. This lesson is designed to help pre-kindergartners understand loneliness and learn the positive actions they can take to cope with it.

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