Introduction to Healthy Eating for Grade 1 Students

Grade 1Lesson: 202

Introduction to Healthy Eating for Grade 1 Students

Eating healthy food is a physical positive action that has many benefits for one's well-being. In today's society, where fast food and processed snacks are easily accessible, it can be challenging to make healthy food choices. Therefore, it is important to understand why eating healthy is essential and how to make it a habit.

This grade 1 SEL lesson on the importance of eating healthy begins with a conversation about the benefits of a nutritious diet. The teacher discusses how eating healthy food helps one to learn more, feel better, be healthier, and maintain a healthy weight. Students are encouraged to share their experiences of how they feel after eating healthy food versus unhealthy food.

"The benefits of eating healthy go beyond physical health. When one eats healthily, one feels good about oneself."

To help students make healthier food choices, the teacher displays the "My Plate" visual aid. It contains information on food groups, healthy food examples, daily recommendation serving sizes, and instructions for water intake and physical activity. The teacher explains the five food groups, providing examples of healthy food choices and emphasizing the importance of consuming a variety of food from each group to obtain the necessary nutrients for a healthy body.

After the class discussion, the students are given an activity sheet. The activity requires the students to cut out pictures from magazines or draw pictures of the food that belongs to each food group. This helps the students apply what they have learned and identify healthy food options they can incorporate into their daily diets.

The benefits of eating healthy go beyond physical health. When one eats healthily, one feels good about oneself. It boosts one's self-concept and confidence. A healthy diet can also have a positive impact on mental health, as it can help reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

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